A Confused Adult ft. Descartes by Porsheee, literature
A Confused Adult ft. Descartes
You see, it was easier before
Bodies were seen, not
It was easier when our
Stick limbs and small
Hands were faeries, when
Dreams were more real than
Reality, when we could be
Dragon trainers and princesses and witches and
To be something meant to be something
In our heads.
It was easier before bodies
Were, at all, really,
Before we grew taller and
Wider and out and around and
Before our bodies were
Seen, not
A placeholder for
A mind.
It was easier when being a mind
Meant being an imagination;
It was easier when we didn’t have to
Read books just to feel
Like ourselves
Again which really meant
To be no one at all
Because deep down isn’t that
Who we all are?
It was easier before
Strangers made us
Afraid of our own bodies,
Reminded us that
We are our skin.
It was easier before
Middle school jokes and
Prods and late bloomers and
It was easier before
Everything was about
It was easier when being a mind
Was being at all.
But we live in the after.
And so we
They found the castle by accident.
Well, it wasn’t a castle per se, but they called it that because it was made of old stone and overlooked the ocean. If it was a castle, it was smaller than they expected and had long since gone to ruin.
They were in Scotland, where one found castles. Anthony was in Scotland because his aunt, uncle, and three cousins lived there, and Scott was there because he was Anthony’s best friend. When senior year of high school ended, they knew they’d be moving off to different parts of the country, so they decided to hop on a plane for 15 hours to see if they could drive each other insane enough not to miss each other when fall came around.
Today, they woke up mid-morning and stole off with some toast. They had found the castle yesterday, but the sun had been setting, so they hadn’t had the chance to explore it yet. This time they brought a blanket and set it in the middle of the castle, pushing away fallen bricks to make a flat surface.
They could hear
Each petal was the size of a quarter. An orange bordering on yellow. They caught shadow and light like fabric, folding and shifting in the California breeze.
A girl crouched eye-level, barely visible over the tops of the flowers. She plucked a seedpod and smiled when it popped and little black seeds leapt to the ground. She reached to pick the flower too but stopped. She watched it shiver under her breath. A pause. And then she turned around and bounded back through the field, which was really no field but the neighbor’s side yard, and really she should not have been there at all, but it was so orange and bright, and it was such a nice summer day, and the sky was bright blue.
She climbed onto the old, rusty car that had been there as long as she knew—a forever of around three years—and over it, into the dark little corner. The poppies didn’t reach there, just hardy old weeds that had also grown into the car. She burrowed, feeling like a cat, maybe, and sang to herself
What is a description But another chance at Art? What line did they Draw for you, What lie did they Feed to you On projector screens and Thin pages filled with Diagrams and drawings Done in blue Ink? Who decided for you how You saw the World? And why did you Listen? I want to tell you now, That they do not know how Light moves. I want to tell you now, That they do not know why Inverse square laws fill the world; The world is coy, the World is flirting with you and You were not told because It is “ improper ” for you to Flirt back. Francis knew this, he advocated For distance and care, yet He imagined beauty too. When did bea...
The alarm was set for 10. She was up at 8. The light bit into her eyes, falling from the window, and she could not sleep. So she didn’t. She got up, and she put on layers, and she left, and she climbed. Back home, it didn’t snow in April. Actually, it didn’t snow at all where she was from. The golden coast, with its beaches (cold), its public transportation (dirty), and its streets (busy), had not been subject to snow for a hundred years at least. Well, that’s what people said. Once it hailed so hard that people took to sledding down the main street. Only people who have never seen snow sled on hail. Really, it should not have ...
Love is not a Personality Trait by Porsheee, literature
Love is not a Personality Trait
You can never give
All of
Is what I learned.
You can hold the gun
To your head,
Load the bullet
Carved with their name but
The safety will never
You can never give
All of
Even when you
Try to, even when
You don’t want to remember who you are;
Even then you are wanting,
Even then you are
A mind and body.
You can give time and goals
As you can give gifts and chocolates but
You cannot give
No matter how many ribbons
And bows you wrap
Yourself with,
Even if you tie them
Around your neck.
You can never give all of yourself,
All of yourself, just as you
Can never give memories or
Emotions or thoughts, you can
Only give impressions of them
Through words;
The bridge between words and
You is too small to see,
So that one leaps right over it,
Past you,
Losing you.
You cannot give your soul,
Nor can it be stolen,
Even when it feels as if your
Breath is gone.
Even when your breath is
Really gone.
The sun rises only
Once a day
But you rise
Every morning of