Nichols and WheelerPorcelain-Requiem on DeviantArt

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Nichols and Wheeler



Well, I've been watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent again...

And my favorite of the CI teams has always been Det. Zachary Nichols and Det. Megan Wheeler. They only had a few episodes together -- before he got a new partner -- but she was my favorite of his two partners. Det. Serena Stevens was okay and all, but she was a bit dull. Wheeler was much more fun and had the appropriate level of sass to deal with Nichols' shenanigans. Plus, Nichols was the first to notice she was pregnant before anyone else did.

It also helps that Nichols was played by Jeff Goldblum... :love:

And then, I found Nichols/Wheeler fanfictions...


And I got the shippy feels! :B

So I drew this because shippy feels.


I had to make Zach leaning on a desk, because he's a bit taller than Megan. :B

Here's a UK promo for when Zach Nichols was first introduced to CI. Ah, I miss this show...…

And here's a fan-made version of the Season 8 Intro, using slightly different images...

Desk -…
Zach -…
Megan -…

Characters - Dick Wolf
Art - Porcelain-Requiem
Image size
595x600px 153.06 KB
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celj's avatar

Nice Drawing, i return to see L&O and L&O CI when i start college and i can't stop watching it (Same with HLOTS)