TotoroPoporetto on DeviantArt

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Poporetto's avatar




osh, a fanart, a fanart

fanart is good, especially for people who is being less creative, yet want to draw, just like me,
because in drawing fanart, we don't have to
come up with ideas of how the characters look like.

hm, so why totoro?
totoro is from Ghibli!
well other than the fact that totoro is so adorable and cute
totoro is very haaa, beyond words if I may say...
a friend told me that totoro's story actually contents
the reintroduction of spiritual thing to modern Japanese culture, where spirit and God is often forgotten already,
that's where Totoro comes in, a forest guardian guy, who can only be seen by innocent children, a huge giant bear like creature which can fly and grow trees in seconds, a friendly neighborhood troll who can helps children when they have trouble...maybe that's why I like totoro.

okay that's was just babble,
totoro is cute.

mom, can I have one as a pet?

totoro © studio ghibli
Image size
840x945px 139.82 KB
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minishdude1's avatar
very odd but somehow it makes me happy.