Poons-no-baka's avatar


Canelle & Laura
20 Watchers282 Deviations
Danii0129's avatar
VanHelsing019's avatar
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VanHelsing019's avatar
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Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 12 by VanHelsing019, literature

Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 11 by VanHelsing019, literature

Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 10 by VanHelsing019, literature

Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 9 by VanHelsing019, literature

Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 8 by VanHelsing019, literature

Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 2 by VanHelsing019, literature

Hunting Accident A Merthur Fic 3 by VanHelsing019, literature

A Nautical Adventure A Merthur Fic 11 by VanHelsing019, literature

A Nautical Adventure A Merthur Fic 10 by VanHelsing019, literature

A Nautical Adventure A Merthur Fic 8 by VanHelsing019, literature

Deviation Spotlight

  • Oct 22
  • France
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (28)
My Bio

Current Residence: Cannes - France
Favourite genre of music: Rock - J-pop - Classic
Favourite style of art: Mangas - Animes
MP3 player of choice: Ipod powaaa !
Favourite cartoon character: Rukia - Byakuya -Sasuke - Naruto-Gin & Aizen Samaaaaa !!!
Personal Quote: Need sleeeeeep...

Favourite Movies
...Er... I can't choose !
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Aqua Timez - Linkin Park - Three Days Grace
Favourite Writers
Stephenie Meyer - J.K Rowling - Pierre Bottero
Favourite Games
Another Code- S4 league
Other Interests
Mangas - Animes - Horse riding - Music


0 min read
Hello !Hum, I don't know if you saw it, but now, i post more drawings in color... But I want to ask you : Do you prefer my artwork in color or just in black and white ?I just wanted to know it... Thanks for answering me !
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Tagg !!

0 min read
Hey guys ! We have been tagged ! Rules:1.) Post these rules2.) Each tagged person tells 8 things about themselves.3.) At the end tag 8 people and put their icon in your journal.4.) Then go to their page and leave a comment saying you tagged them.5.) No tag backs.Okay, let's go ![a:Canelle, or nelle-chan] [b:Laura, or lawra]1) a) I LOOOVE  Mangas, Bleach (and Ichiruki !) 1) b) I'm also fond of them !! X32)a)I always draw when I watch TV… Really strange… 2)b)I'm a fan of plushies ! So cuuute ! (And of course, I have many many of them…)3) a) My favourites animals are…Horse, hamster and fox 3)b) To my mind, I just have one favourite ! The hors...
anonymous's avatar
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Hi! After looooong time, we introduce ourselves!!! Yeah, we are two peoples on this account, so …let's go!!-Hi, I'm Canelle. I draw and … I'm supposed to comments, but I'm soooo lazy!!! Sorry, I'll do it this holiday!! Ah, yes … I answer to comments and to favourites. You're so nice to put my drawing in your faves!!! THANKS YOU!!! - Me, I'm Laura. I put Canelle's draw on Da, and sometimes, I answer to the faves and comments, and I post (rarely, okay) my own drawing. But I don't really like draw mangas, so I leave Canelle draw. -But you're gifted!!-…-Okay. We like roughly the same things, so now, I said for two peoples. Okay?- Let it. I'll ...
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Profile Comments 134

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VanHelsing019's avatar
Thanx for the fave :hug:
Poons-no-baka's avatar
ShiroTatsuKi's avatar
OMFG !! Vous êtes Revenues !! :hug: Merci pour le Fave en Passant :+fav: :hug: Ca fait Tellement Longtemps ! :squee:
Poons-no-baka's avatar
Voui on est revenuuues ! Maintenant il faut que je poste sur DA... Mais il faut tout scanner, et j'ai pas (ou plus, en tout cas) de scanner correct... >.<
Et de rien pour le fav' \(^w^)/
ShiroTatsuKi's avatar
Hahaha J'ai Hate de voir toutes vos Nouvelles Oeuvres ! :hug:
The-Blind-Kunoichi's avatar
Thank you for the favourite! :aww:
Poons-no-baka's avatar
You're welcome ! :hug: