GuillotinePoodleCorpe on DeviantArt

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PoodleCorpe's avatar




Sleep on me, feel the rhythm in my chest, just breathe
I will stay so the lantern in your heart won't fade

The secrets you tell me I'll take to my grave
There's bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway
And if you have nightmares, we'll dance on the bed
I know that you love me, love me
Even when I lose my head
Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head
Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head

Kiss my lips, feel the rhythm of your heart and hips
I will pray so the castle that we've built won't cave

The secrets you tell me I'll take to my grave
There's bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway
And if you have nightmares, we'll dance on the bed
I know that you love me, love me
Even when I lose my head
Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head
Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head

You fill me up, you fill me up
You set my soul ablaze
You fill me up, you fill me up
Your love is so amazing
You fill me up, you fill me up
You set my soul ablaze
You fill me up even when I lose my head

Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head
Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head
Even when I lose my head
Guillotine, guillotine
Even when I lose my head

You fill me up, you fill me up
You set my soul ablaze
You fill me up, you fill me up
Your love is so amazing
You fill me up, you fill me up
You set my soul ablaze
You fill me up even when I lose my head

"Guillotine" by John Bellion
Viv is iBeebs and Asult is RubixPsyche 
Angst is fun 

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1100x900px 299.45 KB
© 2017 - 2025 PoodleCorpe
anonymous's avatar
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Piqeonss's avatar
I love this song
But this is really coolll