BR2012:BringingWorlds2getherPoldalleLovesnare on DeviantArt

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Bristol RenFaire 2012: July 29

Look what you STARTED Kristen!!!! ANOTHER DROW AT BRISTOL!!!! :D hehhehehe

Me, JJ, and Paul were sitting eating our chicken-on-a-stick when my bro goes "look, Val, a drow!" I instantly blinked and looked around and then went "oh hey! yeah!" when I saw him and kinda gave him a little nod and wave and he tipped his head and smiled. Then after doing a double-take he must've realized I had elf ears on because his eyes got wide and he pivoted to come over by us going "oh hey Elves!!! I'm coming over by you!" hehehehe And my bro was saying it was a shame the guy had missed Kristen and I dressed as drow so I pulled out my phone and showed him a pic of us, he seemed enthralled lol. And he asked if we were good drow or bad drow though and I was like "Oh, we're Eilistraeens, so good of course." We never figured out his religion but he was wearing unicorn-emblazoned leather pendant so we were thinking he had to be for Ehlonna or Miliekki. We were joking about how, as a drow, you can't get very far without having people want pics but then I asked if I could get a picture with him and he was like "certainly!!! shall we go back to back!?" and JJ was like "excellent well! we're bringing worlds together!" yes, Lady Lovesnare, proud Corellite is posing with a dark elf to bring worlds together ;P lol or ok, Val was just stoked to see another drow! I was hoping I'd bump into him again so I could tell him about Darkened Facade but oh well ^^; I also had to gush to Paul and JJ after he left that he had Tluaen's hair lol because Paul was dressed as his character Talos whom is on a campaign with my male Eilistraeen cleric, Tluaen. lol!

I didn't have any weapons on me so I decided to try to pose like casting a spell. Turned out to be a pretty epic pic [and I love the kid going "whoa...." in the back rofl!] !! :D So cool! And so ironic to me, that I've worn this wood elf costume at LEAST 4 or 5 times now and no one ever really seemed to get too stoked about it but this time I got a LOT of compliments, handed out like 6 cards for ~Lluhnij , was told I was beautiful a few times, and was told I was some little girl's hero because I gave her a "magic elf wishing stone" because she was so enthralled with me ^^; Her dad said "wood elves are the friendliest of elves" and I smiled and said "why, yes we are!"

Bringing worlds together indeed!! :D

Image size
2592x1944px 2.47 MB
Samsung Techwin
VLUU L200 / Samsung L200
Shutter Speed
1/99 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 8, 2008, 6:08:35 AM
© 2012 - 2025 PoldalleLovesnare
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