TogekissPokeShoppe on DeviantArt

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Togekiss, rumored to only present itself to kind-hearted people, it has been a long lasting symbol of peace. Stoutly shaped, both males and females display snow-white plumage and a tri-colored crest on the crown of their heads. Faint reddish and blue markings on their underside tint the edges of their breast feathers, much like Talonflame's. Togekiss have a gentle disposition and bond closely with their trainers.

So... if I had a pokemon, it would have to be Togekiss. I love fairy types! And I love birds! (It's totally modeled after my semi-loyal lovebird and my cockatiel.) The tummy markings are based on Peregrine falcon markings. Drawn on parchment paper and colored with four color pencils (same ones still in my pencil case from my mega-altaria drawing) and mechanical pencil. Sorry... took a pic of this with my cell phone and tried to edit the colors a bit in a photo editor. They are stark white in real life -promise!

To me, compassion and kindness has to be the most important aspect of one's character. It does not take wealth or intelligence to be kind. Kindness is free. Giving someone a smile and asking how they are is free. Helping someone carry something is free. Sure, time is money, but money truly isn't everything.

So on that note...a little inspirational clip. :)…
and… "Being rich is not about how much you have, but how much you can give" <3
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ComanderSprings's avatar
Awwww! Cockatiel Togekiss is so cute!