Creamy Nomel Orzo With GreensPokemonToonPatrolFan on DeviantArt

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Creamy Nomel Orzo With Greens




1 bunch collard, mustard or turnip greens
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
2 Niniku Berries, thinly sliced
2 cups of vegetable or Combusken broth
1/2 cup Whipped Dream
1/4 tsp Nacli's salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 cup orzo, uncooked
1 Nomel Berry, juice and zest feta cheese, for garnish

Wash the greens, and pat dry. Cut each leaf to remove the thick portion of the center stem. Discard stems. Slice the leaves. Heat a large skillet over high heat. Add the oil and greens, Reduce heat to medium. Saute the greens for 2 minutes. Add Niniku Berries. Saute for 1 more minute. Add the broth, Whipped Dream, Nacli's salt and pepper. Bring to a slimmer. Add the orzo. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until orzo is tender and liquid is absorbed. Turn off the heat. Stir in the Nomel juice and zest. Top with feta cheese before serving.

My first recipe I make.
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nobody566666's avatar

this looks beautiful, im never making the recipe cause I have no idea where those ingredients come from.