DianciePokemonCMG on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pokemoncmg/art/Diancie-960649051PokemonCMG

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I've been fussing over Diancie and her retinue of unique Carbink for months. Diancie wasn't as hard to write as her retinue, but I couldn't finish her card(s) until after I'd cracked the Carbink which, yeah, took forever!

Diancie is pretty good on her own, but gets better as you add more members of her Retinue.
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Pokémon Plush Adventures (Diancie) -

Princess Diancie (usually referred to as just Diancie or sometimes just Princess) is a recurring character first introduced in Meet The Princess.

Diancie doesn't get her title for nothing. She resides in a cave known as the Diamond Domain where she rules over an entire army of Carbinks.

Diancie is also said to be from Kalos / France, having just moved to the United States in her introduction Episode. Due to this, she knows how to speak French.

Despite her usually kind nature, Diancie gets very angry if one of her statues is destroyed. Her statues are made of pink diamonds and made in her image.

Diancie is also aware that she's a mutated Carbink and gets very uncomfortable if anybody brings it up.

Diancie is able to create basically anything she wants from pink diamonds by compressing carbon between her hands. This includes a massive sword that serves as her main weapon.

Diancie also expects everyone to treat her with respect. She also hates people pretending to be royalty around her.