PokeGwen-Fan-Club's avatar


Five Earthgirls for Kauru!...
Years Ago
43 Members44 Watchers

Comments 10

anonymous's avatar
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MangledTheArcticWolf's avatar
Hello, very good, I am the artist Mangled The Wolf and I have come to say something.

I'm going to withdraw from this group, I have been withdrawing from groups where I am not a secondary total member of those groups.

I am President of the AnimatronicsyFurias group and I am the president of 3 groups of Chats and I cannot manage other groups.
Marjo-MidoriMedicham's avatar
Hello good evening everyone,

Please do not forget reading the last group journal entries (you can read them on the group Home page). I am waiting for your fanart hastly...^^
Thanks with advance for your future participation...^^
Muxicalm's avatar
Please delete Nuneal on your list. Nuneal is not a legendary and you put it in your group without asking permission first. I consider it as a steal.

Nuneal belongs to me

Once again, please delete Nuneal from the list
Marjo-MidoriMedicham's avatar
I do apologize, I did not want to steal you (espacially in putting some credits about you)...
Marjo-MidoriMedicham's avatar
Hello dearest,
Just some precisions and modifications about RGEM characters (those who are put at the foreground in this DA group "PokeGen-FC") since their first submissions :

-Akigane IS NOT a shiny Ninetales anymore, and she puts a DARK collar node.
-Ayumi, the PokeGwen Braixen, has got a BLUE AND PHOSPHORESCENT left "ear flame" and a same-colored right eye iris.
-Fanette (one of the female Belgospitins Magical Maids) is a BROWN-HAIRED woman, and NOT BLACK-HAIRED anymore.
-Pika-chan the male Pichu has been renamed as MIKE-CHAN, Zengami the male Zoroark as TERATANI, Awagane the female Gallade as AWATANE, Hichiako the male Mienfoo as ASHITAKA.
-I remind you the seven female PokEva who practice Light Magic :
Asagi the Vespiquen, Naoko the Liepard, Hokkaido the Mismagius, Manashi the Chandelure, Akigane the Ninetales, Kogawachi the Florges, Awatane the Gallade (formerly Awagane).

Thanks for your comprehension...
Marjo-MidoriMedicham's avatar
You know, Devaintfriends,
You can everyone submit deviations AND suggest some favourites for the whole group... There isn't any reason it's only me who does it... So don't hesitate to submit and suggest !
Marjo-MidoriMedicham's avatar
Hello, Deviantfriends who visit this main page,

If you agree to join the group as administrater, what about establish a folder for membership cards (as the RD-FC) ? I know maybe I can't establish every folder alone...

Thanks with advance...