I'm really sad to do this, but DA supporting Israel is the last straw for me. I will not support a website who supports genocide like this. I might come here to find artist to commission occasionally, but I don't think I will be posting on here again. At least not until the staff changes their stance.
To quote Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
Where to find me:
Hey I'm gonna need some help from my American peeps!
As I'm sure a lot of you have heard, Palestine is undergoing a genocide. A lot of innocent people have died already and the US is helping fund it. If you are able to vote, you can do something about this. Below, I'm putting a website that will walk you through calling your State Senators and State Reps. It includes a simple quick script to read when they answer the phone.
It's super easy, I've done it tons of times by now. But I can't do it alone. And be sure to call multiple times a day. I have alarm set to remind me to call them every two hours. It takes 2 minutes and if nobody answers, then just leave a message. BUT DON'T STOP! KEEP GOING!!
If enough politicians start to worry that you won't vote for them if they don't try to put a stop to this, they will do as we ask. They value their jobs more than anything, and they don't wanna risk loosing that.
I am also sending emails out every morning, but phone calls are