Exalted: Charlie's Angels StylePointy-Eared-Fiend on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pointy-eared-fiend/art/Exalted-Charlie-s-Angels-Style-306769943Pointy-Eared-Fiend

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Exalted: Charlie's Angels Style



Kirandir and Nakanadi Skalishaya, had they lived, would have been proud. Their three daughters were all bright, strong, capable girls; they'd always known that. Unfortunately, both of their threads in the Loom snapped before they got a chance to see their legacy.

The untouched Lunar manse deep in the Eastern jungle, which claimed the lives of the intrepid husband-and-wife scavengers was the forge in which their eldest daughter Anjali earned her Lunar Exaltation. The trials that had proven too much for her parents had been enough to push the newly bereft 19 year old to greatness, raising her from the spilled blood and tears as a No Moon sorceress.

Orphaned and left to close family, Kaveri and Malati, then 9 and 4 years old, made a cross-country move to live with their aunt and uncle Shendo in Lookshy. While Malati was misplaced on the journey during a layover in Nexus, and was never found, Kaveri went on to be trained as an archer in Lookshy. She Exalted as a Night Caste Solar while defying the laws of the land, the laws of probability, and the titanic forces of corruption that were well beyond her abilities at the time.

Malati, meanwhile, had not been lost forever, merely spirited away to Yu-Shan by the Sidereals before harm could befall her. When she finally Exalted as a Chosen of Secrets, as was predicted, a week after her 21st birthday, her destiny shone so brightly that she was tutored in the martial arts and the ways of Essence by an old and infamous master: Chejop Kejak himself. She absorbed his teachings and his Bronze Faction credo... until she discovered the truth of her long lost sisters.

What caused three Celestial Exaltations to arise from one family? From three sisters? Creation may never know. Some speculate that the three shards had been close allies in the First Age. Some blame sheer random chance. Had they lived, Kirandir and Nakanadi might have just smiled quietly to themselves, suspecting the real reason. From childhood, they had taught their daughters the Lore of the First Age, such as they knew, without Immaculate bias. Had instilled in them the brazen courage to face overwhelming danger. And had equipped them with the training and the knowledge to handle themselves in a world that has no mercy.

One might say that these two, simple mortals had a habit of breeding Exalts.
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Another nice one. How do they have relatives in Lookshy? If their Dad was from the north and Mom was from the south? Who was sending the younger two sisters to Lookshy? I guess this did explain part of the Thread of fate drawing. This represents another nice piece to look at and puzzle over.