[DR AU] Kairi Sugimotopoi-rozen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/poi-rozen/art/DR-AU-Kairi-Sugimoto-871831896poi-rozen

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[DR AU] Kairi Sugimoto



So here we got a set of drawings for a character that'll show up in the Side Future Re-Write that I plan to do since I did finish Re-Writing Despair Side, I think it makes sense to do a Re-Write for Future Side since I did have some problems with it as well and I think they could of made it 24 episodes to develop the DR3 characters or make it a game.

Regardless, introducing Kairi Sugimoto - Nagi's fake identity when at Future Foundation.

Now here in this AU is that unlike the real life Chiaki (who's just an AI in this AU), Nagi actually survive Junko's execution but because of that - Future Foundation had to create an identity for Nagi because people would not view Future Foundation positively if they discover that the one that cause the Remnants of Despair is alive and under protection. A select few know that Nagi is alive and since Nagi would be recongize by some members she had to put on a fake personality so no one would figure it out... well, until SDR2 where the Killing School Trip was being recorded.

Also a small comic because we all know that Kazuichi would be totally crushing on Kairi. XD

Danganronpa (c) Spike Chunsoft
AU (c) poi-rozen
All credit goes to respective owners
Image size
1256x1252px 628.55 KB
© 2021 - 2025 poi-rozen
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HoneyBeeGirl94's avatar

Nagi’s least favorite OC she had to RP as for a long while. XD