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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1468)
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
birthdAy '13: Celebrated lucky birthday #13
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
BlackBerry: Exclusive Calendar of Tales Badge
My Bio

If anyone is looking for me, I'll be living in Italy this summer and not checking dA. Ciao!

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This is my store, Drea’s Attic, and it’s as varied as what you’ll find in someone’s attic! I'm frequently adding new items, and also accept custom orders, US and international, through etsy and through deviantART. So please check it out and note me if you have any questions!


Email me at a.pockystik at gmail dot com
Italy? Awesome. Can I go back now? Might share some photos later.I spend too much time worrying about my updates being interesting or noteworthy. Decided I've had enough of that and thought I'd at least let everyone know I'm alive :DWorking full time now for benefits, so that rules my life a bit. Preparing to sell clay works at a local fair in 2 months, so I'll be building my stock between now and then. Also beginning training for Tough Mudder for next year. Going to be an awesome year! I've been so out of touch with myself and my own art lately, I feel like I'm starting from scratch again, but this will be fun. Learning a lot about myself...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
As if I haven't been absent enough lately...  I'm leaving the country for a little while.  I'll be spending about 3 weeks in Italy, traveling from city to city, studying art history, science, etc.  I'm flying out April 23, and my internet access will be random and brief while there, so...Cities I know I'll be visiting: Venice, Padua, Assisi, Perugia, Orvieto, Florence, Pisa, Rome, all with an enjoyable layover in London, both coming and going.Sorry for being away so much! That's what full time classes and 3 jobs will do to a girl.This summer should allow for more activity, though...See you when I get back!!!~Drea(P.S. Thanks, everyone, for...
anonymous's avatar
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Hello everyone, and new watchers!For the past few weeks, I kept planning on sitting down and writing out this nice journal explaining where I've been, why I've been MIA since the summer, and what all has gone on during that time and to include pictures and be all thorough and stuff. But the task of getting that all out and in some sort of logical order was just too overwhelming, so I've been procrastinating. ^^;So, the simple solution? Skip it! Haha, I may get around to it some time, but here's the reader's digest version::bulletpink: Published my thesis.:bulletpink: I finished a degree I was working on and do not want. (But I finish thing...
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saintfighteraqua's avatar
Shilohkai's avatar
Happy birthday! :iconcakeplz:
The-Dude-L-Bug's avatar
:D  :D  :dance:  Happy Birthaversary!!!!  :party:  :D  :D
saintfighteraqua's avatar
Merwenna's avatar
thanks for the watch :D
PockyStik's avatar
Absolutely!  I try to teach my art history students about many of the processes and methods you use for manuscript illumination and panel painting.  While I've dabbled in each, I adore seeing people like you with the patience and talent to make such fantastic works!
Restocker's avatar
thanks for the fave ^^