Pluvillion's avatar


I'm still here. I think.
197 Watchers134 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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alright. time to cook something for new years. been a while since i last touched mmd
anonymous's avatar
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i keep planning on wanting to post my sfm renders here and every time i do i keep remembering how niche the community is here. Steam's good enough
anonymous's avatar
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it's been a while since i last touched mmd after moving to sfm. however, since it's miku's birthday today, it doesn't hurt to come back now, does it? :)
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 17

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NanaCookie's avatar

Hey, its the founder of Epic-MMD and I wanted to thank you for being an amazing contributor to my group. I have featured you as an Epic User in the groups journal ~

(I hope this is ok, if you have a problem/dont want to be featured tell me! <3)

Pluvillion's avatar

> I hope this is ok

Are you kidding?????? I LOVE IT!!! Haha! Thank you for featuring me! I'm legit so grateful!

Sorry for the late response tho! I don't check my notifs that often 😅

NanaCookie's avatar

I'm so glad! And dont be sorry. Adorable Girl Anime Emoji (Kawaii Eyes) [V6]

AlexArgentin's avatar
Thanks for watching!
Pluvillion's avatar

dude, i've been watching you already. idk why dA decided to unwatch some people from my watch list

AlexArgentin's avatar
Idk, but I love your Luka screenshots.
Moonlight1265's avatar
Thanks so much for the favorite! I adore your work, it means a lot to me.