Mr. Saturn Plushie TutorialPlushRayseTiger on DeviantArt

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Mr. Saturn Plushie Tutorial



Boing. Hello, reader. Here's a tutorial for making a Mr. Saturn Plushie from a pattern I drew by myself (Although I think it's kinda unnecessary. At least it's good practice for typing, I guess) . The pattern is wonderfully simple. Unlike others I've seen, it is only one piece (well, except the little details you stick on). Yes, one piece of fabric makes a 10 cm/4 in plushie! Feel free to re-size it to make a bigger or smaller one. Now let's get started. Zoom.
--First, make sure you have the following:
-Some beige/tan fabric. I used felt, but I recommend something softer like fleece or something. However, the pattern will fit nicely on a single rectangle of felt. Just sayin'
-Something to make whiskers with. This tutorial uses black pipe cleaners, but feel free to use something else.
-Red and black fabric. For the eyebrows/eyes and bow. You can use ribbon for the bow. I used anti-pill fleece on the eyebrows to give them a "bushy" look.
-Black plastic eyes. This tutorial uses them, but if you don't have any, you can just sew on some black circles for eyes or paint them on.
-Thread. I use the clear/invisible stuff. Use what you want. I highly recommend clear/invisible for reasons that will become apparent.
-Poly-fil (plushie stuffing), pins, needle, scissors, marker. Ah.
-My pattern, printed out.
--Now that you got everything (pretty much figure 1, not everything's pictured), take the pattern you supposedly printed out and cut along the lines. Trace the outline onto the fabric with a marker. Make sure you mark where the lines and dots are (fig 2)
--Cut AROUND the outline. Not Onett er, on it. (fig 3). You will be stitching along the line.
--Using a pointy object, poke holes where the dots are. *Note: Don't make holes in the eye area if you aren't using plastic eyes*
--From the outside (the side you didn't mark), push in the eyes and whiskers (cut to proper lengths. Mine were about 3.5 cm long. The antenna was about 5.5 cm long). Fold a little bit of the end of the whiskers and antenna over on the inside so they stay in. (fig 4)
--Sewing time (use the running stitch for now). Oh yeah, the outside should look something like figure 5 at this point.
--Pin mark "A" to mark "a" and sew from the unlabeled edge to the pin. Like figure 6. While you're at it, do the same for "B" and "b". After that, keep going until you reach the end of the line.
--Oh, and do the other side (E with e and F with f). It should look like figure 7 when turned inside out.
--Now what? Check out part 2 here!: [link]
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