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pltnXghost on DeviantArt
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my graphite skills are improving.
Image size
3152x5008px 17.62 MB
Canon MG3200 series Network
Date Taken
Nov 26, 2013, 12:51:33 PM
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Nice pose. It looks like he is about to fly off or say something cheeky (is it a talking dragon?). Also, I love the clouds.
Things to improve - the scales are a little to distinct/bold and the wings are distracting. The wings are distracting because they go from black to white so quickly. It might be better to have it closer to the same value. The scales are distracting because they 'pop' to much, taking away from the pose. as my teacher always said 'line destroys form'. You might want to look at those legs again as well.
But like I said, good pose. I know graphite can be a hard medium to learn, which is why I have very few in my gallery. I always seem to get my hand on the page, blending the values too much So, I know how hard it can be to get those values down