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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • May 31
  • Belgium
  • Deviant for 9 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (102)
hello since when i am working i do have time there to think about programming games and making my codes. of course its not easy so i am not sure i will be able to make it but i want you guys idea'swould you love to see a dating hentai game that is fully original (meaning new characters with own personality's etc) or an hentai dating game based on a anime ?of course for the anime's i need to know them well since its hard to let them have conversations that would be good or bad during the game it will be about having conversations that will lead in naughty and sexy moments (of course depends on what you say in the game)i hope to hea...
anonymous's avatar
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hey deviantart'si am happy to tell you guys that i have my first Patron . so i would like to thanx again to :iconad-referendum: it made me super happy and i will do my best to keep drawing as much as i can. of course i draw all kind of stuff so keep an eye on my drawings. Of course this means that here on deviantart all NFSW will be sensored and also they will not been seen in full screen(sorry guys but its not fair compared to my patrons who pay for it ;) ). there still will be drawing here and also full drawings but like said before not everything will be seen here.right now i am working on another NSFW drawing that i finally sketched ye...
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0 min read
hey there.i am looking for a way to make living better (by earning money) so i hope some of you guys can help me :)(example (only a wip sketch for now sorry :(  )) now for the commisions chibi sketch(1euro) colored+shading included (3 euro) headshot sketch(1 euro ) colored +shading included (5 euro) halfbody sketch(3 euro) colored +shading included (8euro) fullbody sketch(8 euro) colored +shading included(15 euro) NSFW Category halfbody sketch (15 euro) halfbody +shading included (35 euro )fullbody sketch (25 euro ) fulbody +shading included (50 euro) Example NSFW
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anonymous's avatar
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ad-referendum's avatar
What's new with you? ... I haven't heard from you either on deviantART here or at my email for a while.
hey sorry for not responsing so long i have been sick several times and so my familie. we had a funeral of my grandpa. i have been feeling really bad since then and still am not feeling too good cause i got in a depression of that .
i hope you understand but of course i should letted you know but it got of my mind once i heard the bad news :( .
if youre ok with it can i still get some time before i start the manga if its ok i would love to take of till start next month since next week i have to go to the therapeuth :(
ad-referendum's avatar
First please accept my condolences on knowing the sad news of your grand-father's passing.  I understand your troubles, I am not here to push you ... my message was just a sign of "I'm worried about you".  When you have settled and ready to re-start, just send me an email ... or a private note here.

Thank You
thanx a lot for the understandig and condolences.
i hope i get over it soon its been a month now and yet i am still sobbing like a lil child.
when i am ready again i will send you a note and start on it again
again my appologize
and thanx for the understanding
SpaceShipEarth's avatar

Welcome to :iconadultanonymous:

Welcome to :iconsexyvoluptuousvixens:

you may want to read this ----->

o hey

thanx a lot i did not know it was not allowed T_T
sorry for the problems . is there a way to let say keep the image here but with some changes that allows it to stay here ?
and i do wonder is it allowed to still have the link of the full drawing without changes in the description or is that not allowed too? i still am new here
so i guess i kinda have some things to learn

again thanx already for letting me know
SpaceShipEarth's avatar
You are welcome 

I think it is OK to have the link