Plaster02's avatar


It was midnight...
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Deviation Spotlight

birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (19)
My Bio


Current Residence: United States
Favourite genre of music: Indie, Folk
Favourite style of art: Drawing, photography
Operating System: Linux Mint 12 Lisa/Windows 7

Favourite Movies
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tegan and Sara, Kaki King, José González, Death Cab For Cutie
Favourite Games
Dungeon Siege, Rogue
Favourite Gaming Platform

Latest work...

0 min read
Hi. Today I added my latest work.Tegan and Sara related. :thumb331784853: It was for a cover art contest in the :devtegan-and-sara: group. It has been difficult for me to keep doing things like these, too much work everyday; inspiration has gone, so sad. Thank you if you got to this line, I appreciate the time you lost reading this journal entry. Bye.
anonymous's avatar
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Hello to you.I don't know why, but I started to take this thing of journals a little bit more serious, maybe it's because I feel that it's easier to express myself writing down my thoughts and feelings rather than talking to someone.As I see it, writing a journal is like talking to myself; I'm the only one who knows what I'm writing about, also, not much people read what I write, maybe they don't care about reading snapshots of my life...Anyway, I find interesting the fact that I can read what I've wrote in the past, all those feelings and frustrations and random thoughts and trivialities, just like watching the past through certain window...
anonymous's avatar
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So, I haven't been here for a while, there's no an exact reason, but I feel that inspiration has gone. I've entered in a lapse in which I can't think clearly what I want to do in life, and when I feel like that I usually end up doing anything while I just see the days go by, you know, like hypnotized. In other news, Metric's new album is about to be released, do you like them? I like their music and how it has evolve over this years... The true reason behind this journal is that the journal displayed in my dA profile has a green skin that I don't like anymore, so I want to add a new entry to say good bye to the green one...
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Profile Comments 161

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syferdevil's avatar
Thanks for the :+fav: :)
FrankTheSixFootBunny's avatar
thanks for the favs ^-^
Plaster02's avatar
You're welcome!
I really love your scratchboards of Sara, they look totally cool (:
unicornokapi's avatar
it was midnight
your hand was in mine
all eyes were on our table
Plaster02's avatar
It was afternoon before you
were out of bed and I was able to concentrate
Miessiey's avatar
Thanks for the faves ;D