There is a creature known to humans as Greg"Dark One"Williams that was put here to create.He's really just grateful to be able to do so. Since birth he has found ways to satisfy some relentless,built-in physical need to speak using visuals.Several respected instructors encouraged him and taught him the discipline,but no one REALLY noticed until the day he got published.Then,a storm hit and the arena to tell his stories opened it's massive gates.The world of the graphic storytelling medium.Comics!Then the web,bringing us here.....where he can communicate with others like him,in the language they know best.............................. published works include...
Cry For Dawn," '93
Warriors Calendar
Animal Mystic, AnimalMystic:Water Wars, Klor
Safety Belt Man
(Matt Kimball's) Brutal Planet
Heavy Metal Magazine
Scriptures Of The Third Eye(1-3),AnimalMystic Field Guide,Animal Mystic Binder and trading card set,Q.Jatarri Statue
(Covers and Pin-ups)Books of Lore,Wildflower,Lady Death,Fang(Kevin J. Taylor)
"Barbs" Cover and Goddesses of Nature Portfolio from SalQ Productions
"Collizion" portfolio from Peregrine Ent.
Supermodels in the Rainforest
and the new release Paleo Pirate!
There is much to do and more to follow...
Current Residence: Unknown!
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small
Print preference: Traditional
Favourite genre of music: ,House, Electro, Hip-Hop, Death Metal, Classical
Favourite photographer: Joshua Ford
Favourite style of art: Fantasy painting
Operating System: MAC OS X
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Shell of choice: Ninja Turtle
Favourite cartoon character: Thundarr
After all this time, I finally got my hands on Dark One’s Third Eye vol. 2! I really enjoyed the preliminary panels for AM and sketches for other works and “unseen” projects. Time to reread the first few Safety Belt Man issues…
what!! he made a Vol. 2!!
I'm surprised I don't see anything about your Kickstarter here.
Hmm. I've made 3 posts about it. Now 4.
Which issue of Heavy Metal has one of your stories in it? I have most of them and can’t find it, I may be missing that issue…
There's 2. Damn. I'll have to look up and get back to you....