Plus ButtonPizzaPotatoNBacon on DeviantArt

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PizzaPotatoNBacon's avatar

Plus Button



:star: Note: For Premium Members & Super Groups Only :star:

Hello, guys! :wave: I decided to start getting into the Custom Resources business, because it looks like a lot of fun, and I keep accidentally clicking "Inspect Element" and keep seeing all these weird and new codes that look awfully interesting. :shifty: and yeah i kinda got inspired by =SimplySilent's discoveries too

And now, I have found the code to a new kind of button! I haven't seen any other custom box codes for it, so here it is! :la:

Anyway, I think this could be useful, if you're the kind of person who participates in those online games where you hatch/evolve/level up some sort of creature/s by getting as much clicks on a certain link as possible!

Now, I see these people put links to their creatures on the their profile [in hopes that they receive more clicks], and I think this plus button should be suitable and fancier for your needs, than just a silly ol' hyperlink. :la:

Of course, this could be used for a variety of purposes, haha, but when I "discovered" this, this sorta' thing just came to my head. :giggle:

Okay, enough chit chat~ On to the code.

+ Button W/ Text

<div class="gmbutton2 gmbutton2plus">&nbsp;&nbsp;"Your Text Here"&nbsp;<b></b></div></div>

:lightbulb: Important! You cannot use <b></b> tags for your text! These tags are the end of the button and if you use them to try making your text bold, your button will close as your text starts- tl:dr; Don't try to make your text bold or your button will be destroyed. You also cannot use header tags, such as <h1>, <h2> and the like.

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This Custom Box Resource is free to use for all. :aww:

Posted on July 29, 2013 9:35 PM PHT.

Resource provided by Me, =fluf-studios, Alex R.
Image size
401x249px 6.79 KB
© 2013 - 2025 PizzaPotatoNBacon
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KirstiCatStJelloFoo's avatar
I am sorry to ask but can you add codes to change the color or is it only this one color?
I'm not complaining or anything I just have a theme going on and I am horrible at HTML