pixieface's avatar


acceptable in the 80s
823 Watchers192 Deviations
Just a quick note! Some of the art layouts from Winifred Street Exorcism are now available in clothing form!


Follow that link if you're interested. :) (Full disclosure: I get a small commission from each sale.)

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You ever get the feeling you're throwing all your talent, creativity, enthusiasm and soul into a big black pit labelled "who gives a fuck" ?

Yeah, me too.

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Ava's Demon

1 min read
I found this webcomic today, and it's honestly one the most wonderful things I've seen in ages. Parts of it are animated. Beautifully.


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Tagged by the lovely and talented Oly-RRR! And so I must answer questions, I suppose. :3

- You must post these rules.
- Answer the ten questions the person who tagged you made, and make up your own 10 questions for the people you tag to answer.
- Choose ten people and put their icons on this journal.
- Please tag about 10 people, preferably more.
- No tag-backs.
- You don't have to participate if you don't want to. 

1) What's your top favourite (or least disliked) household chore?
Mmm. Cooking. I love to cook. But it's far easier to think of my least favourite, which is hoovering. I detest hoovering with the fire of a thousand suns. I would rather clean toilets. Srsly.

2) What's a show/film/book/comic you got into at a point of your life when you weren't in its target age group (either already or yet)?
Probably horror movies. Snuck into the theatre to see The Exorcist when I was fifteen... which was about the time it got unbanned in the UK. Then studied them in college, including watching the (then banned) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (I was 17). It's all been downhill since then. I'm a total horror movie junkie, everything from the classics to slasher to psychological to gore porn to the worst B movie, if it's got an 'M for Mature' tag and is labelled 'horror', I will watch it.

I've only been afraid of one horror movie ever. It was, ironically, The Exorcist. 

3) If you had to do a job that had nothing to do with your dream job, what job would it be?
Something I can leave behind at the office, where the people are cool. I don't really care what as long as it's reasonably varied, involves thought, and I don't have to think about it after 5pm.

4) On a scale of 1 to 10, how wheelchair-accessible is the area where you live?
The house in which I live? Alas, not at all: it has a step. It's a small step, but a step nonetheless. The general town is, for the most part, much better. Only buildings in the oldest part of town don't have access, and then it's only a few of them.

5) What's your favourite podcast/radio show?
I don't do podcasts or the radio. Never have.

6) Are there squirrels where you live, and if there are, are they red or grey squirrels?
Grey squirrels, tons of 'em, ridiculously bold. A friend of mine introduced himself to his neighbour by shooting at squirrels with a crossbow and losing arrows into his neighbour's yard. Yes, that friend of mine is quite weird.

7) Cops or robbers?
Robbers are sexier, but cops more practical. And I'm old, so cops.

8) Do you own any art books (or any books you got mostly because of the visual aspect)? Name your favourite!
Billions. I buy most of my comic books for a combination of story and art, but I've got a ton of others. The one I've read the most is probably Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics.

9) What's that film, the one about the fucking space hairdresser and the cowboy? He's got a tinfoil pal and a pedal bin.
No clue. It's not a horror so you're asking the wrong girl. :3

10) How long can a cat survive in an unheated hold at thirty-four thousand feet?
God I don't even want to think about it. Tell me the cat is okay! D:

11) Have you ever woken up with a pillow on your face being pressed down by a family member? ...oh wait, sorry, wrong game, that was a question on Veg, Veg or Veg (no, it really was)!
Nope. But I have woken up to the sound of a cat imitating an alarm clock. Recently, even.


1. If Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay, and Jamie Oliver got into a fight, who would win and why...?
2. What's worse, a big pile of pants or a pile of big pants? (And by pants I mean knickers. You may assume the pants are used. No other clarifications.)
3. Did you know that the brother of the Louis XIV (also known as the Sun King), the illustrious Prince Phillipe I, Duke of Orleans (that's the brother), never wiped his own ass? He had a servant to do that for him. You've learned a thing.
4. What is the most whacked-out conspiracy theory you've ever heard and, if it was heard in the flesh, did you edge away slowly or just nod and smile until they stopped talking?
5. Please answer both parts of The Pineapple Question.
6. What's the worst book you've ever read, and did you finish it because goddammit it's a book and you can't leave it half-finished what if it gets good at the end, GAH?!
7. Just how fancy are you, on a scale of one to Bitch, I Am The Fanciest?
8. If you could set people on fire with your mind, and there were no repercussions other than the people you wanted to set on fire, with your mind, being set on fire, with your mind... who would you set on fire, with your mind, and why? (You may choose as many flammable people as you desire.)
9. Don't you know that those things are bad for you?
10. Answer the following using an animated gif: how would you describe your art?

I tag: :iconwandaluvstacos: :iconlycanthropeful: :icondavidmacdowell: :iconnoendcomic: :iconbrothaj2: :iconmdhicks1: :iconmetalmagpie: :iconfaustisse:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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So Winifred Street Exorcism is complete. You may have noticed it up in my gallery. It's also online at winstex.smackjeeves.com

In related news, I put up the cover for October today, the short comic I'm currently working on. I expect it to run about 32 pages, but that's subject to change, I suppose! I put the cover in my gallery already, and October can be found online here: october-comic.smackjeeves.com


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Winifred Street Exorcism... in shirt form! by pixieface, journal

Ava's Demon by pixieface, journal

Question thingy! by pixieface, journal

Moar webcomic goodness by pixieface, journal

Winifred Street Exorcism by pixieface, journal