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Comments 282

anonymous's avatar
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Esha-Nas's avatar
I put my 1952 flag in 3000 bc, if it can be fixed I wouldn't mind moving it/having it moved.
ElMengu's avatar
Raival904's avatar
Hey everyone, looks like I am new here, but I got some good things to share. :)
Just a starting artist here>
woweee0946's avatar
Imagine if there was a website that had a bunch of the templates and you would be able to make your own versions of these, a shitty artist can only dream…
Milosh--Andrich's avatar
<nr-sentence class="nr-selected-post nr-s13" id="nr-s13" page="0">Wow the group still exists!</nr-sentence> 
<nr-sentence class="nr-selected-post nr-s14" id="nr-s14" page="0">I am so proud of you all!</nr-sentence> 
ElMengu's avatar
And it hasn't stopped growing.
Milosh--Andrich's avatar

That's so nice to see, you are all doing a great job!