Pixar-Onward's avatar


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pinkprincess92a's avatar
i write fanfiction with onward. if anyone is interested in reading it i am posting them on my account. some are sad and dark but ive heard some people enjoying them so check them out if you are interested
NuclearPoweredPony's avatar

Not sure if you heard about this but the live action remake of Mulan was filmed next to a concentration camp in china that is persecuting the indigenous muslim population for their faith. Disney even went so far as to thank the concentration camp authorities in the credits to the movie.
NikeAguaraguazu's avatar
Keep the art flowing! There's not enough fanart of this movie.
I look forward for all your art.
Hopefully, the sequel will have a proper bad guy. Maybe a corporate villain.
Beatlesfangirl15's avatar
I would kill for a sequel
library9's avatar
me too! I have ideas for one too!
Beatlesfangirl15's avatar
Cool! That’s awesome!