PiTIkArUz's avatar


.:: Keyblade-Master ::.
219 Watchers456 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Design & Interfaces
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (120)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
::. Queen Sinbad -Magi The Laberynth Of Magi- .::

Hello guys!

I´m ikaruz uwur from mexico! <3

This is my deviant all about cosplay

I am currently looking for cosplay sponsors who could get juicy rewards for being one, are you interested? <3 send me a private message!

Also you can buy some stuff on ko-fi I very apreciate your support I've been a bit busy lately, but this year I have more free time and with that I have a little limited my hobby, I hope you can support me in the purchase art or prints, ero sessions or zings that I will announce in the future!<3

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/CagedArt?fbclid=IwAR1z6mcWJK5T2PpK5yQgluvO_tblSh8nbtrKYla6FOc54u7xQM2AAKU6dBQ

I´f you wanna see more like this please visit my other  sites , the links are bellow :D

Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/IkaruzCosplay/

Thank you see you soon darling ! <3

Favourite Visual Artist
Caged Art
Favourite Movies
The treasure planet
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Videogame soundtrack
Favourite Games
kingdom hearts, Genshin Impact
Favourite Gaming Platform
accion, adventure, puzzle.

Profile Comments 585

anonymous's avatar
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TheXBladeMaster's avatar
;A; ty for the watch
PiTIkArUz's avatar

you very welcome <3

TheXBladeMaster's avatar
Your Sora cosplays are great and precious baby ;A;
Sunshine boy ;A;

Orchestra Sora is luv
PiTIkArUz's avatar

sghadsfh x///D sora cosplays are my favorite cosplays and I did it all of them     as accurate as I can >//u//<

Thank you so much really! your comments make me feel so  happy <3

TheXBladeMaster's avatar
I'm happy then <3 keep up I'll support you ?
PiTIkArUz's avatar

I appreciate all the support you give me seriously! ;w;

where I live do not pay much attention to the cosmakers (people who make their own cosplays) so thats make me feel so much happy really <3