Zombie Apocalypse MemepistachioZombie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pistachiozombie/art/Zombie-Apocalypse-Meme-296131828pistachioZombie

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pistachioZombie's avatar

Zombie Apocalypse Meme



Edit: I realize how crazy popular this is. I have also realized how it's been posted on other websites. Please if you see this on another website and it is not sourced to me, please let me know. Thanks!

Here is a little something I worked on today. I'm actually drawing!!! What is this sorcery!!!
Zombie apocalypse meme..... I changed the dates because the original was a little too spread apart.

Original: fav.me/d2c8fcz

All characters (c) Me and ~OreoOutlaw
I'm excited for RE 6 to come out! ^.^

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WOW Thanks for so many faves and views on this piece. If you want more to do with these two, check out the ongoing comic!
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© 2012 - 2025 pistachioZombie
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Takaji-Kai2067's avatar

for a year in the zombie apocalypse you would soon go from being a normal person to somewhat a zombie killer

1: Before: you are worrying about school and other kind of crap around.

2: 1 Week later: you are now having sad expression of killing the people that you love and that theres nothing you could do when they turn into a zombie.

3: 1 Month Later: soon you have taken the expressions out of you and now you're a experienced survivor around and within the Dead walking around on the streets.

4: 3 Months later: you are now a fully experienced survivalist in the Zombie Apocalypse and that you remember everything happening with your own eyes and finding a partner to be with you as a New love one.

5: 1 Year Later: you have gotten used to killing zombies now that you're having no expressions of your olden times and then getting used to everything that has been left behind.