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"Harsh cold and frozen soil are what characterizes life in Skraangard. These conditions could only bear forth tough and resilient people. For many centuries Skraangardians have adapted to and endured the unforgiving living conditions of Waidheim’s High North. Snow and ice have given birth to a proud and noble folk of unyielding and almost inextinguishable will to defy the cold summers and freezing winters of their homeland. Quickly they have learnt that they can only succeed in this undertaking in a strong community – which made them unforgiving and cold to those who do or cannot contribute what is needed for the well-being of all, but also fiercely loyal to those who can carry their weight.
Recently Skraangardians have come to know great wealth. What it did not provide them in food, their native soil gave to them in metal and gems. Deep within the Skraangard’s Mountain Fort, caves saturated by veins of precious metal and overgrown with colonies of lustrous gems and crystal have been discovered. An ingenious and pragmatic people, Skraangardians changed their way of living from fearsome raiders and invaders to skillful craftsmen and renowned traders in just two generations, even though they still keep their martial tradition. While Skraangard’s internal affairs – such as the administration of city and mining operations – are almost entirely governed by Skraangardian women, every endeavor outside of Skraangards protective walls is run by their male counterparts. So it came, that Skraangardian men of the current day are regular visitors of the Southern ports and welcome hirelings in any army, whereas Skraangardian women are rarely seen and therefore almost mythically fabled for their nobility and beauty in the other realms of Waidheim."
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