ladies in kimonopinkjellyo on DeviantArt

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pinkjellyo's avatar

ladies in kimono



An experimental piece combining watercolor painting and screen printing.

It's been over a year since my debut manga 'LAMENT' was published. Recently I was glad to be informed by my distributor in Singapore that due to continued interest in my book, both locally and from overseas, they would like to extend my distribution. Yay!

This means that my book would continue to be sold in major bookstores in Singapore ^___^
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all your support and interests in my work!

'LAMENT' is A5 sized and contain 178 pages. It is published in English, including one chapter of my latest anthology 'Trinity Quest'.
The retail price is 5.90 Singapore dollars.

If you are not in Singapore, you could order through my distributor at:

More about 'LAMENT':

Sample pages:


Alpha qualities that attract you are the very things that create conflict in your life. Alpha males assert their wills, work hard, play hard, like to conquer, and have enough ego to fuel a rocket ship.

You spend so much time looking for someone who dazzles you and not enough time looking for someone who is dazzled by you.

So instead of going for the short-term sugar high that always results in the same exact crash, start thinking of what's healthiest for you in the long-run.
Image size
635x960px 107.49 KB
© 2012 - 2025 pinkjellyo
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ShannC's avatar
i really like this