The Abducted Alchemist - Ch.2 Pg.23Pink-Lady03 on DeviantArt

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The Abducted Alchemist - Ch.2 Pg.23



For the comic project going on at :iconthe-da-ranger-group: with thanks once again to salamangkiro for the help with the panel layout as well as providing me with a script.

Again, my instructions were clear but a little more open so if anything needs to be changed just let me know. You'll.. also have to forgive my attempt at adding a sound effect in the bottom panel there, I did my best to come up with something to describe the "sound of a folder closing". ^^;

Previous Page:
The Abducted Alchemist - Ch.2 Pg.22 by PrettySoldierPetite

FullMetal Alchemist and all of its characters, including Roy Mustang is (c) Hiromu Arakawa, ViZ Media, FUNimation and any other respective owners I may not know/have listed or be aware of (Square Enix? BONES?). I do not own the character in any way, shape or form, I am just a fan!

Comic based directly on: Fullmetal Alchemist - The Abducted Alchemist 
Written by Makoto Inoue, Original Concept by Hiromu Arakawa, Tranclated by Alexander O. Smith and Rich Amtower.
-This is a Fan Comic and not used for any material gain
Image size
1800x2324px 165.97 KB
© 2017 - 2025 Pink-Lady03
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salamangkiro's avatar
OMgosh gorgeous! <3