Moving Off of DeviantArt
Deviation Actions
It's me, Ping. Yknow, PingTheHungryFox. -u-
I've decided a while back that I'd like to move off of DeviantArt entirely, as I feel the environment here on DA isn't something I'd like to be involved in. In saying so, I have decided that I wanted to vacate my account here on DA. I won't deactivate my account, but I won't use it either.
I've moved to posting on FurAffinity alone. You can find my account here:
I won't be posting anywhere else. Any art you find of mine anywhere else are either reposts or commissioners uploading my work.
If you watch me on FA, thanks! If you don't, I'm sure you'll see my art float around every now and then -u-
This website was a fun start, and I met alot of nice friends off of it! It was a very welcome beginning to me being an artist. But now I must move on. uvu
Thanks all,
so long, partner