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picojin's avatar

Keeping your friends really close

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Model  GamerGirlGiantessLocation  Shower room


Sarah and her friend Jessica finished jogging and were heading to the showers while all of the sudden Jessica got shrunk and got caught on her friend's massive cleavage. Jessica tried desperately to get Sarah's attention before she got buried on her friend's sweaty breast. Sarah thought she might've left her friend behind and continued walking towards the showers ingnoring she was carrying little Jessica right between her gigantic tits.

A few days ago I found GamerGirlGiantess 's page and I was amazed by the amount of cool shots I saw there. So I couldn't resist and I turn one of her photos into a drawing. The original plan was only use the photo as a reference for other drawing but well it ended up being a mini story with her. Only with a few changes on the outfit and scenario.
Here is the original:  

Mature Content

don't fall in... by GamerGirlGiantess
Image size
2576x1932px 10.65 MB
© 2020 - 2025 picojin
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Springs15's avatar

There are no tiny women.