phoenixleo's avatar


164 Deviations






Premium Content

phoenix wow
oh really


Deviousness Award

`phoenixleo has an abundance of enthusiasm for our community. Always eager to promote events and activities, `phoenixleo's community spirit and passion for creativity have provided many deviants with inspiration. If you are in need of a motivational moment in your day, make sure you stop by `phoenixleo's profile and take part in one of the many projects that you'll find featured. While you are there, join us in congratulating `phoenixleo for being our very first Deviousness recipient of 2011!

Awarded Jan 2011

DD Guidelines

Donation Pool

Donation for fun stuff
2200/10000 points

CR Team


:iconphoenixleo: test

communityrelations test through add emote/avatar

   List in CR blog with news on open categories

Note: Gallery Moderators as well as Message Network Admins(mn@) are both merged to Community Volunteers now.  Note:  From now on, artists have a 6 month wait period instead of the 3 months  in order to have their works be featured as a DD from their previous  DD.

Galleries that don't have CVs yet, suggestions can be sent to @moonbeam13


* Director of Community Relations @moonbeam13

* Community Projects  ---

* Anime/Manga @lady-suchiko @angekrystaleen

* Anthro @pixlphantasy

* Artisan Crafts @pinkythepink @pinkythepink  @copperrein

* Comics & Cartoons @drzime

* Cosplay @pullingcandy

* Digital Dolls ---

* Emoticons ---

* Handhelds & Icons ---

* Skins & Themes @niivu

* Visualizations ---

* Wallpaper @ellysiumn

* Designs & Interfaces ---

* deviantART Related ---

* Digital Art - @lovelessdevotions @lenamoart @rezabisuto

* 3-Dimensional ---

* Fractal Art @c-91

* Photomanipulation @lora-vysotskaya

* Pixel Art ---

* Text & Typography ---

* Vector @thegalleryofeve

* Vexel @thegalleryofeve

* Fan Art @tsaoshin @thiefoworld @astralseed

* Fan Fiction --- 0q3cqdm620l

* Film & Animation @cinestress

* Flash ---

* Game Development Art ---

* Literature @squanpie @blackbowfin @jessamar @liliwrites @gdeyke

* Photography @mrs-durden

* Abstract & Surreal Photography @justacapharnaum

* Animals, Plants & Nature Photography  @jenfruzz

* Architecture Photography ---

* Artistic Nude Photography  @mrs-durden

* Conceptual Photography ---

* Darkroom Photography ---

* Fashion Photography @queen-kitty

* Fetish Photography ---

* Horror/Macabre Photography ---

* Macro @justacapharnaum

* Photojournalism ---

* Street Photography @burningmonk

* Urban & Rural Photography ---

* Pinup & Glamour Photography @bloodywing

* Resources & Stock @mocris

* Science-Fiction & Space Art @cosmicbound

* Street Art & Graffiti ---

* Traditional Art @tokyomoonlight @brennennn

* Traditional - Body Art ---

*Traditional Art - Sculpture ---

*Chat & Forums -











Forum Redesign and Moderation by phoenixleo, journal

Which one of these mugshots?
anonymous's avatar
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Gilded Dreams Adopt Contest winners have been announced and here's the feature of the winners! First Place by: Second Place by: Third Place by: Congratulations to the winners!
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Profile Comments 10.1K

anonymous's avatar
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Dopacetic's avatar

so many thanks for the DD ... My second one...

i thought I'd never have

ToffeeMallowArt's avatar

Woah. Love the random meme compilation

Cartooneva-girl's avatar

Hi, just one question.

Will the winner of the golden llama drawing be announced exactly like the birthday story winner? And when?

phoenixleo's avatar
Cartooneva-girl's avatar

Thanks for letting me know.

lBlackie-Maidenl's avatar

Thanks you so much!