Phloris's avatar


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Tide Pools by Phloris, literature

Blijf Omslaan by Phloris, literature

Nooit meer herfstvakantie by Phloris, literature

White Shore by Phloris, literature

Curves in the Hairs by Phloris, literature

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Tide Pools by Phloris, literature

Blijf Omslaan by Phloris, literature

Nooit meer herfstvakantie by Phloris, literature

Black and Grey by Phloris, literature

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Artist // Professional // Literature
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (140)
My Bio

I used to draw and do some artwork manipulation in Photoshop. Nowadays I mostly write poetry and prose, but I still draw occasionally as well.

Favourite Visual Artist
Kev Walker, too many others...
Favourite Movies
Too many
Favourite TV Shows
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and other Joss Whedon shows), Marvel/DC shows, Person of Interest, The L Word, Jenji Kohan shows, too many others...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pink Floyd, Maria Mena, Pearl Jam, Margot & the Nuclear So and So's, Nine Inch Nails, Lydia, Warpaint and MUCH more. Too many. See profile above.
Favourite Books
Sylvie and Bruno, To the Lighthouse, Slaughterhouse-Five, too many others...
Favourite Writers
Lewis Carroll, Virginia Woolf, too many others...
Favourite Games
Myst series, GoldenSun, The Legend of Zelda series, Yoshi franchise, Pokémon franchise
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, watercolour. Past: Photoshop CS2 / CS4
Other Interests
Music, film, literature, art, games

Drawings, oh my

0 min read
Uploaded some sketches/drawings I made for my Dungeons & Dragons campaign. They might possibly get coloured later, either traditionally or digitally, if I figure out how I'll do that. Akryun was the "scary" thing I was talking about back 'round Halloween. Oh well. Some more drawings might be coming up. Working on a poem or two as well.~
anonymous's avatar
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So yay, I actually manage to post a journal before another year has gone by. I even posted a halloween-themed thingy. Poem. I'm working on my DnD campaign a lot lately, might post some sketches and stuff related to that. I have something scary in mind that still needs to be drawn though. Planning to do that as soon as possible. I'm already failing to keep up; as in failing to draw every (semi-important) monster and adversary before my player characters kill them off. Having fun though.Hang in there, you, "people who actually read this" you!~
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And the world right now, it seems a dark place just rest your head and sleep tonight 'Cause for people halfway 'round the world the light is shining ever brightAnd even if you're awake in this darkness when you're up, when you can't sleep we will be shining our own little lights from everyone, for everyone for all eternity♥ Merry Christmas everybody ^_^
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Profile Comments 22

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qliche's avatar
Many thanks for the favorite!! :hug:
namenotrequired's avatar
Bedankt voor het watchen :D
Phloris's avatar
np, je ex-studiegenoot hier trouwens :P
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Phloris's avatar
Hoe heb ik je gevonden? Euhm.. facebook geloof ik? Zag foto's van dA-meet op fb, en toen zag ik link naar hier op je profiel staan?

Nja het gaat wel goed met mij, beetje aangekloot afgelopen jaar, ga in september weer studeren; Literatuurwetenschap in Utrecht ^_^
Hexodious's avatar
Hi Phloris,

I was wondering if you'd let me use your Magic the Gathering wallpapers in my counter app I am updating to include larger backgrounds.

- Hexodious
Phloris's avatar
Counter app? How would this work exactly?

You should also consider the copyright Wizards of the Coast has. If it is something for profit, I'm pretty sure you can't do it without Wizards' consent.