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Pheon123 on DeviantArt
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Sorry if you can't read some of it
This is just completely random and weird - a sketch dump of my persona in her many costumes (starring my lovely familiar, Dippo, and my friend Talia as Charles (with the rifle) in her Englishman costume)
Apologies if this makes no sense
This is just completely random and weird - a sketch dump of my persona in her many costumes (starring my lovely familiar, Dippo, and my friend Talia as Charles (with the rifle) in her Englishman costume)
Apologies if this makes no sense
Image size
2481x1729px 602.25 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Pheon123
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xD LOL I can see pretty much all of the words phone and i can read but xD LOL I don't know how to pronounce potronus! or Expecto! xD LOL when i first was those words i said them out loud in such a funny way i even threw my arms out like that little person did xD LOL POTRONUS!!! EXPECTO! xD LOL xD LOL this is so random!! I love it!! xD LOL xD I'm dying over i think i'm speaking another language xD LOL Ze POOF!!! xD LOL take me to your girl friend! xD LOL...omg xD LOL bananas! I need to submit this comment before it becomes to long...*ZE POOF*