PhantomPhan14's avatar


Soaring the starlit sky
195 Watchers367 Deviations


Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
My Bio

"The cosmic wind fills my sails and propels me to wonders unseen."

Earth Viewing {stamp}
FieldOfStars Stamp
Jim Hawkins Stamp
WALL-E Stamp: Out There

I make MMD edits and convert low-poly gamerips! Search my gallery for the downloads folder.

~ * S T A R D U S T * ~

I make digital art with 3D programs and I write poetry and short stories.

I have a digital tip jar here if you feel like supporting my work that way. And my Tumblr can be found here.

Day 3 - Past/Future - Maria and Shadow

My favorite video game series are Sonic, Portal, BioShock, Kirby, Pokemon, Metal Gear, Golden Sun, and Legend of Zelda.

Thanks for reading, and remember to keep on shining~

Favourite Movies
Ghostbusters, Anastasia, Tron, Star Wars, Treasure Planet, Iron Man
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Knight Rider, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Supernatural, Danny Phantom
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rocket Ship Resort/Skyerocket, Owl City, most trance/techno
Favourite Books
Good Omens, Odd Thomas, Sword of Truth series, Dresden Files, Polaris, 2001: A Space Oddessy
Favourite Games
Portal, Sonic the Hedgehog, Detroit: Become Human, BioShock, Metal Gear, Kirby, Team Fortress 2, Persona 3 & 4, Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, Project Diva
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4, Xbox One, PC
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS2, MikuMikuDance, Blender for conversions

Post Spotlight

Due to art thieves I will be putting some galleries in storage and watermarking everything else. I didn't want to watermark, I hate them, but I will not tolerate theft. This is why we can't have nice things...

Profile Comments 628

anonymous's avatar
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PKMNNatural's avatar

Nice to see you are still a Maria Robotnik fanatic even after all these years.

PhantomPhan14's avatar

This got a laugh out of me, so thanks xD She's my favorite character of any media and I don't see that changing given how much she means to me <3 Expect art once I get her new SXSG model set up for it!

Skiploom-Cutie's avatar

Can you make Clara from MySims MMD Model?

safirediaz's avatar

Thanks for helping me with my VRoid model on MMD!

PhantomPhan14's avatar

Glad I could help! :)

safirediaz's avatar

You are most certainly welcome!😀

Sarah-Yousif's avatar
Hi. Can you do MMD Tobor?