Waluigi, but as a hansamu bishounen meme boiPhaesri on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/phaesri/art/Waluigi-but-as-a-hansamu-bishounen-meme-boi-751369560Phaesri

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Waluigi, but as a hansamu bishounen meme boi



Well, I tried xD

He was a lot meme-ier in the draft, but I suppose he wasn't fond of that idea and became.... this? lawl

There's not enough fanart of our dear Waluigi so to celebrate his latest appearance in a game, I thought I'd draw him as an anime guy.... It didn't quite turn out that way :/ But hey, this was my first time drawing him haha. But worry not, I'm currently working on a new drawing of him, and this one is 200% better ;P

I used this opportunity to play around with different shading techniques (again lawl). And I actually allowed myself to not worry too much about how it came out, so that was really nice simply watching it unfoild as I randomly threw colours and shades onto him haha.
Waluigi is actually really easy to draw haha. Props to Fumihide Aoki for that haha. So yup, I had fun drawing him, and I knocked him off in one night haha.

That's all I have to say for now haha.

Until next time, please enjoy :D
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Kechuppika's avatar
nice, i like the colours Waluigi Dab Emoticon