Spring Blossom - FEATURE!

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PetydeNecro's avatar
Hello Dear Friends and Visitors,

I've finally made it back to my journal to draft a little update for you!:) It seems that Mother Nature has finally had enough of the gripping cold, grey haze and shivers of the late-winter days: spring is all around us!:w00t: I've noticed that several birds around my home are singing louder and louder with each passing dawn (blackbirds are especially cheerful!), the long-awaited sunrays are building up strength and...flowers are popping everywhere above ground! To celebrate the advent of true springtime, I've put together a colorful bunch of eye-catching flower shots. You know, I've got a respective folder among my faves reserved only for these beauties...with their interesting forms, vibrant colors and wild variety they just make me smile each and every time!:)

Hope you'll like them too!;) Don't forget to check out the artists who've captured them for us!

Until next time, yours truly,


:thumb195986106: Orange by zeenon :thumb120639469: an evening story by ivadesign

:thumb164164960: So Much More by creativemikey The Pop-Pop-Poppy by bittersweetvenom Camomiles by padika11

101 by YanaBondareva :thumb173187031: :thumb197769007:

.:Orchid Dream V:. by RHCheng

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