Mootmootpettamapossum on DeviantArt

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pettamapossum's avatar




"A peaceful and inquisitive biped that spends much of its time combing the beaches for anything of interest."
(7x5, drawn on bristol board with Prismacolor pencils)

I think I made this one back in August, and it still might be my favorite. I wrote a longer description for it too, so I'll go ahead and paste it here.

Mootmoot: These curious beings hail from a series of barrier islands in Pelagia, although they’ve since been introduced to the mainland and have spread out quite a bit. They spend most of their time browsing the forests for fruit and combing the beaches for any carrion that washes ashore. Though slow-moving, they have little trouble lifting heavy objects and can often be found making a living loading and unloading cargo at shipyards. Having originally evolved in an environment with very few predators, Mootmoot are poorly equipped to defend themselves, and as such they’re rarely found outside civilization."

(Thanks to a friend for coming up with the Mootmoot's name! If they hadn't, I assure you there'd be some horrendous pun or something in its place.)

Hope y'all are having a great day, and take care!


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