TOW - Song of the Amber Moon [Collab]Perencreste on DeviantArt

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TOW - Song of the Amber Moon [Collab]




Season: Fall 2024

Location: Lucent Cavern, Tephe

Prompt: 'The Amber Moon'

Summary: The light of the Amber Moon spilled in through the skylight of the Lucent Cavern, reflecting off the various crystals and filling the cave in otherworldly light and splendor. Enthralled and enchanting but the magical moment, the gathered Tephens break into song. Eigel, Taegan and their puppies joined in with the song, all except shy little Swansea who looked around, feeling unsure. Taegan's melodic voice floated elegantly through the chamber, while Jacky and Karsa howled loudly to their hearts' content. Eigel regarded his family proudly as he sang and when Swansea looked up at him, he gave her an encouraging smile. Eventually, she began to sing along as well.


Another beautiful collab with Mcloven! <3 I did the sketch, lines and background while they did the colors and shading. I just adore how this turned out! :love: Thank you for another amazing collaboration, drawing the Taegel family is always a delight :heart:

I just love how Jacky and Karsa boldly sing their heads off while Swansea's more shy, their dynamics are so precious <3

Taegan, Karsa - @McLoven55 , Swansea - @LunaSoulDarkDash

Jacky - @Kellsongs , Eigel - Perencreste

Only the owners of the characters featured are allowed to use this! Do not re-post or use without permission!

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2800x1800px 7.33 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Perencreste
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