Once Upon A Prophecy (The Two Lovers)Chapter One: The Two Lovers The Hunters were out once more, devotedly traveling every inch of landscape full of green and various animals under Lady Artemis's commands and their loyalty to her sacred name. The Goddess did not join them in this particular venture, which was uncomfortably odd, considering all was in peace after Percy Jackson has recently ended the war. As far as each Huntress knew, Gods and Goddesses only neglect their duties out of laziness, which is never in Lady Artemis's case, or when the balance of nature is threatened. And thus, merely guessing the appropriate reason could either be a half and half chance to be bad or worst. Hence, it is done respectively. The girls were obviously having the same dilemma with each of them in deep relationship and special fondness for their Lady. But as skilled and blessed Huntresses, they were aware of everything still, from the creeping paw steps against the ground to the tiny critters crawling about. That