
Cherry and White Dreams

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PercyEspeon's avatar

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The heart beats on and on, it seems;
I cut her up to see it beat
In this delightful, bloody dream.
Her cherry blood pours from her cream
White skin, drips head to feet;
The heart beats on and on, it seems.

To see her innards, this extreme,
Is my cheap thrill, my sweet,
In this delightful, bloody dream.

She’s almost gone; I stop her screams.
This deed of mine will be complete!
My own black heart beats on, it seems.

Her heart’s the purpose of my scheme;
I rip it out and crush the meat!
I wake from my dark, bloody dream.

I shiver at this gory theme;
My morals shake, reject this feat.
I see her heart beat on. It seems
I still enjoy this bloody dream.

Hey guys!
Here's my last villanelle, but this one is for class. The prompt was about, long story short, a gross poem, basically about things not normally in poetry. I definitely had an idea to return to my creepy/gorey villanelles, as I really missed doing them.
It's not my favorite of this type, but I do enjoy the attempt.
I really wanted to play with the fact of the gore and the fact the person found secret enjoyment of it (the things not normally talked about). I know it seems is vague, but I wanted it to be dreamlike (like most of this poem), but I can understand why it is better cut.
Anyways, I don;t have too much to say so I hope you guys enjoy and I will see you next time! :)
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