Eyedrops(LC)PepperMintFox23 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/peppermintfox23/art/Eyedrops-LC-938968560PepperMintFox23

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based off my old drawing I made which I don't know what I went through to make that one, this is a redraw of the old one since I wasn't a huge fan of the imagery in that one. eyedrops are those things some people can be afraid of, mostly for me as well with looking up and trying to open that one eye, it's painful but once it's done you don't have to worry about it. I didn't add as much to this redraw, but I want to show why looking up and trying to keep your eye open is definitely hard, even by the light shining down. now I will say this is a fear since a lot of people have this situation before. hope enjoy! gore in this drawing, if you don't like it leave.


art and character goes to me! PMF23

warning: if you don't like gore nor anything that its horror nor mature, please leave)
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678x700px 200.49 KB
© 2022 - 2025 PepperMintFox23
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