HugPen-Pen-chan on DeviantArt

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Pen-Pen-chan's avatar




It's been AGES!!! Since I upload something!
Let alone something good! 
Ok, you see? Having a job is not as good as I thought, and having two of them left me on my vacations only able to sleep
But anyway!
I finished this one lately~  So, here it is!

The white haired naga's name is Neil. Mikau insisted on puting an "K" on his name, but Samsa prefered to continue his father tradition and name his offspring after an important writer. Klein agreed.
And then, somehow, Neil managed to catch lil Nadeko's attention.
Love is in the air, I'm telling ya'all!

I think I may have not lost my... "queseyo", my muchness, but I sure lost practice and it seems like I'm stuck on here. OR MAYBE! This is just how my final style is going to be xD
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2281x3136px 5.41 MB
anonymous's avatar
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penguinpyro's avatar
It looks good, I don't think you've lost anything. Maybe if you feel a little out of practice, that's okay. Good luck with your job and all!