Bagbeans: PeachLeaf Plantation FlyerPeach-bean on DeviantArt

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Bagbeans: PeachLeaf Plantation Flyer



PeachLeaf Plantation by Peach-bean 

You Have obtained a flyer from a recent postboard, it looks like a plantation has just started in the nearby area!
and it looks like it's seeking Workers...
You decide to read the information
#928 Nomnom BB - Peach by griffsnuff 
"Ello theh mate!
My name aid Moji, and I am seeking Workers for my new plantation, I absolutely love nature and what it holds and decided to grow my very own home from the bottom up.
But I can't do it alone.
The farmland is bare as of now, with a single barn, but as the days go on I will provide shelter, food, supplies and a grand ol time!
If you need me contact me at this adress"
An adress is written at the bottom locating the plantation

Comment below with your Griffian and this form
Do you have any co creatures to add to the farm?:

you must be comfortable with me useing your Griffian in potential comics
You must be comfortable with Slight Roleplay to in depth roleplay


Image size
570x741px 123.87 KB
Date Taken
Jan 11, 2018, 8:59:39 PM
© 2018 - 2025 Peach-bean
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apocopus's avatar
May as well :, 0
Griffian:  96 - Strawberry by TheKingdomOfGriffia
Gender: Neutral, mostly. Most commonly goes by she/her
Personality: A lil new to the whole beania thing, and a little unknowing because of it. She rushes head first into things without thinking, because like her chosen name suggests, her head is most likely filled with jam. She tends to be rather enthusiastic and willing to help out anywhere, but most likely follows people around until they give in and let her join. She doesnt
take no for an answer, usually getting her own way. 
She will fight everything if it gives her a funny look. Though, she adores cute, small things.

Job: Id say either an assistant building, or pest exterminator if she doesnt think about it(which is easy)
she is about 200cm, maybe 190.
Do you have any co creatures to add to the farm?:
El - 087 by capriamasterlist FOOOOOOD

Jam nominates this guy as co creature: 
177 - Sapphire by TheKingdomOfGriffia