Thief by Any Other Name ...If you are a stocker, or if you make premades or have tubes, you might want to check out this website… has informed me her stock has also been stolen from this girl.
This girl is now running an auction on ebay
TUBE-TRADERS giving me a list of 16 of my tubes that she wanted. She also wanted my "free" tubes. I sent her the free immediately. She stated she had no tubes to trade, but would I accept money. I told her I don't accept money, but would trade for subs for one of my accounts, [art, club, stock] OR she could donate to other stockers in my name, so that I could have their exclusives. In order to do that I set a "price" per tube, so that she would know how much to donate. She purchased a 3 month sub for my stock and sent two stockers, $10 each. I was waiting for her to send confirmation to me, or for the stockers to confirm payment had been sent. In the meantime when I sent the free, I reminded her of my terms of use. That she could use them for her own personal art pieces, or create commercial pieces such as book covers, cd covers, calendars etc, and the only restriction was that she could not redistribute them or make stock from my stock including Pre-Made Backgrounds. She wrote back that she wanted her money refunded as that is what they were for.
I wrote back that these rules were on each and every stock piece in the club, but she acted as if she had no clue as to "rules" and didn't understand the copyright etc, so I took it that she wasn't really that well versed in what she was doing. I told her to give me a few hours, that I had to go to a doctor appointment and would "think about" what I could do for her. When I got home from the doctor, I wrote her back, telling her that this was probably a simple misunderstanding. I asked her to send me a link to where she would be selling these premades, and that I would allow her to use all of the pieces she had requested, with the exception of one piece that I don't/won't allow anyone to use. I said all she needed to do was to give me credit. I also said that had I known, I would have charged more, but that I was willing to keep the same price. I asked her in at least two separate notes for a link to where she would be selling, and she didn't provide that either time.
She wrote back that she would not give credit. So it was a no deal. I wrote to the two stockers she had sent money to, asking them to please refund, but in the meantime she had filed a protest against one of their accounts, making that person very upset. That person had discovered her website, and sent me a link.
I did not offer to refund her sub [thankfully, since I know now, what I know], as it was her mistake, that she admittedly said was her mistake, and told me to keep.
I go to the site, as did Ivey, and look to find, right off the bat, one of my tubes. I noted her about the tube, and asked where she got it, and her response was "once it's in my system, who knows". Well, I can tell you, I DO KNOW. She told me she files things by name type such as "butterfly, wand, etc" but doesn't keep the name of where she got it, then told me that there are others that are selling my stock [although she wouldn't tell me who], and she *might* have gotten it from them.
Last night Ivey found another of my pieces, a premade, and I noted her about that too. Since I have removed my tubes and premades from
Peace-of-Art, I had to *prove* to her it was mine, by showing her an art piece that was created by another, giving my stock account credit. Now this isn't making me happy. She also told me how she understood business and was prepared should anyone contest her.
She is using tons of stock from dA, not just mine, and some may not care, while others might. Everything from stock photos, to stock premades, to model stock [primarily children].
She also has a dA account, and if you are wanting to know the name on that account just note me at
PaintedOnMySoul. There isn't much in it, although she's been there for a year and a half. We've recognized some of the stock she's using, but unsure as to who most of it belongs to.
This totally ticks me off. I have, just as most stockers, spent tons of money on creating or providing stock for others. My rules are minimal. But I do not spend my hard earned cash, to provide others with the tools they need to make stock from [they can spend their own money making their stock] or to make premades, and earn cash, and not even give me credit. I am not a banker, nor a lending institution for anyone's art business. Create whatever you want with my stock and sell as art pieces, use in commercial art works, but don't make stock from my stock, unless you have my written approval, it's that simple.
BTW .. she has tons of "rules" and "copyright" requirements on her site, so she is quite familiar with copyright and rules, contrary to what she initially led me to believe.
She continues to say she's *not* stealing, but ya know, I don't know what else one could call it .... It's crap like this that caused me to pull down my premades and my tubes, and yet this is still happening ...
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