Percival the black destructorpd123sonic on DeviantArt

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Percival the black destructor



name; Percival

age; known

gender; male

breed; Black dragon and a universe spirit 

role; Destructor

abilities; the power of destructor

personality; chill, calm, always has a smile on his face

info; Percival is one of the of the universe spirits the spirit of destructor his purpose is to destroy  and in its place life will return he destroys planet's creatures and anything, not even a ghost can be spared from his destructor power some worlds worship him as a god giving him offerings making temples in his honor but Percival is a smooth universe spirit he will let the people of the planet try to persuade him not to destroy there planet but do not make Percival mad he make however angered him suffer like break every bone in there body one by one and so on.
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