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PavitoElvito's avatar

Carolina and Magdalena

Character  Carolina and MagdalenaLocation  USA


Carolina and Magdalena are good classmates, they sat together in the same desk and helped each other. Carolina had great breasts, she was proud of the tits she had, often the opposite sex looked at them. However, she did not have good legs and an ass, but Magdalena had a good ass and legs, but small tits. One day they came to Carloline's house together where they had a great time like girls and said to each other, "I want to be with you", then suddenly they both reunited with each other and passed out. When Carolina saw her eyes and wanted to get up, she could not move her legs as if she had lost them completely, when she stood up with her body and looked what was going on, she saw Magdalena's head and her part of the neck slightly covered with hair in the place where her pussy should be. Suddenly Magdalena started to wake up, she felt that something was wrong, that she couldn't feel her hands, but she felt as if they were just terribly stiff. Suddenly Carolina screamed:

Carolina: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what's going on here ??? !!!

Magdalena: Why can't I feel my hands ?! Oh fuck it's my legs but why so close ?? !!

Carolina: Just take it easy, it's just a dream, it's just a dream!

Magdalena: What are you fucking doing, this is really happening!

Carolina: Magda, help me get up!

Magdalena: Hey! Chick will look up, don't push me!

Carolina: Relax, let's try to go both to the mirror and see what happened.

Magdalena: Ok, just don't swing from side to side!

And they walked over to the mirror with difficulty.

Carolina and Magdalena: Oh shit!

Caroline: We are both one body

Magdalena: But in two parts

Magdalena: But I have to tell you that we look much better now than before

Caroline: Yes, but how are we going to function now?

Magdalena: Well ... I am our legs and you are the top.

Caroline: Won't you mind that you've become our pussy now?

Magdalena: I will have to live with it somehow, we are unlikely to reverse this process

Caroline: I'm sorry that happened

Magdalena: It's not your fault or ours, it just happened and we have to live like this, but it's even good that it turned out like that, because now we are such a Chick that wooohooooh!

Carolina: Right <3

Carolina: Come on, we'll get ready both today, just go carefully, in the fall I'll catch everything

Magdalena: are we going?

Carolina: Go

Magdalena: Ok

Magdalena and Carolina: wooo careful!
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1536x2048px 135.88 KB
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Ciao84's avatar

do you accept commission? if yes, can you do this? 👇