Alienspaul-cz on DeviantArt

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paul-cz's avatar




Hi guys!
Here is my new spaceart.
I know, this spaceship isn't perfect, but I tried to make a spaceship for the first time.
I hope someone will like it.

Thanks to ^gucken for this tutorial: [link]

- about 20 hours of work.
- PS CS4
- original size 4000x2100

Thanks for all the :+fav:s and the comments.
Image size
1200x630px 248.65 KB
© 2009 - 2025 paul-cz
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miklosgo's avatar
Good work.
Well, in space, you don't need a perfect spaceship. You need a big, very big spaceship, to be functional. Out there is a hard place. That's ship it's just fine for traveling in space and visiting unknown planets.  Hope, you have some big gun's and some landing shuttle too :-)