Kings and Pawns: A HGSS Nuzlocke - Page 60Parasols on DeviantArt

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Kings and Pawns: A HGSS Nuzlocke - Page 60



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NOTE: I'm thinking of doing a second Q&A after the next page, so consider this a soft interest check? I don't know if I'd be able to get enough questions, since my readership is a lot smaller than last time, but  maybe I could do a small one idk. Anyway if you're interested, feel free to let me know in the comments.

F is for friends that do stuff together, U is for you and meee...

Drawing this page was interesting because it made me really aware of how, like... you write your script*, you do the sketches and lineart, but when you add the colour and backgrounds, a totally different mood can emerge. I wasn't picturing how it would  look with the moonlight, and certainly not with the fireflies, which  were a spontaneous addition because a certain popular Owl City song came up on my playlist. They're more of a summer bug, but I couldn't help myself. Also, by incredible coincidence, I saw fireflies lighting up for the first time in years while coming home, right before uploading this page. All over our yard. It led me to colour correct them a bit yellower than I had them originally.

*this  is kind of a new thing for me. I used to go into drawing sketches with  only a rough idea of the dialogue, but lately I've been finding it much  more productive to script it out first. I'm not sure why I'm getting  better results with this method now, but maybe it's because I've  developed a stronger sense of the page-to-page trajectory and the  character 'voices'.

The theme of figuring out what you want to do in life, briefly touched on in this page, was gonna be a bigger part of the story in the scrapped  reboot, which would have opened with Gold procrastinating on applying to  university. It's still a thing in this version--it's just more in the background.

Someone should have told Silver that rats only live like two years anyway smh (it's actually a minor retcon that he's had her for 2 years; not a  retcon to anything mentioned directly in the comic, but I think I said  previously in some post or other that she was a childhood Pokemon. I  realized it didn't make sense with the timeline I have in mind.)

Ah! I forgot to mention, but my hands have been doing really well for the  past few months. Strongly recommend the program "Workrave" to anyone with similar issues, which prompts you to take breaks (I set mine to  20-second breaks every 5 minutes and 10-minute breaks every 45 minutes). I also changed the icons and sounds to Pokemon sprites/cries lol.

edits to previous pages: colour corrected the end of the last page a bit to flow better into this page

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kylemenow's avatar

To finish the F.U.N. song for you,

"N is for anywhere, anytime at all

Down here in the deep blue sea."