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I was at MickyD's the other day (a caramel frappe & free wifi ;D) and I had my huuuuge Windows laptop with me. Well, this Mac fanboy comes up to me shortly after I sat down and starts mouthing off about how his Macbook Air is sooooo much better than a honkin' PC.
I decided to not fight back (Mac Fanboys are like bears- you play dead and they eventually leave you alone) but I chose to correct him that his fancy Mac is a PC as well. His response?
NOOO, NOOOO, NOOO it's isn't. NOOOO. It's something better. NOOO. NO.
He reminded me of the maid from Family Guy.
Then after listening to that for a minute or so- my patience was running thin so I chose to inform him that, unlike his little Macbook Air, I could use my hefty M15x Alienware to beat his ass to death. He left shortly after.
TL;DR. PC means personal computer, numb nuts.
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© 2011 - 2025 paramoreSUCKS
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The only difference is programs... (I feel so left out of that world) XD